How to Become a Home Inspector

Home Inspector Checking Out Basement

Home inspectors will always be needed because homes need inspecting for a number of reasons. Home inspections are typically done before a home is sold to a new owner. People need and want crucial information– in writing– about homes because that information can be used for purchasing negotiations.

If you’re a curious type of person who likes to explore buildings and properties and take copious notes, consider becoming a home inspector. Customers will rely on you to tell them if there are any problems or damages that aren’t readily apparent. Part of your job is to check and make sure the property is free of hazardous substances and that the structures on the property are in stable condition.

To become a home inspector you’ll need to be trained. Typically you’d attend training school and/or be required to obtain a license, depending on your state(s) requirements. Additionally, if you want to make a career out of inspecting homes, you should consider The National Association of Home Inspectors’ certification program, which tells customers you’re serious about your business. The National Association of Home Inspectors, Inc. (NAHI) was established in 1987 as a nonprofit association to promote and develop certified and licensed home inspectors in the professional home inspection industry; you can visit their website at for more information.

Home inspectors are like other business owners because they need to handle a wide variety of tasks daily, from scheduling appointments to report writing. Additionally, they need to market their services to potential customers. Home inspector insurance may be required, depending upon the state of operation. Legal forms may need to be filled out, too. Some home inspectors opt to purchase an already existing franchise so much of the work has already been done regarding how the business gets run.

If you need a reliable home inspector in the Warren, New Jersey area, please be sure to contact Cornerstone Home Inspections today.