So far, 2015 has been one of the best years for housing sales since 2006. It is clear that the country as a whole has finally bounced back since the economic meltdown. In other words, people are feeling comfortable buying homes and turning the page to the next chapter in their lives. That being said, there is a good possibility that either you or someone you know is or will be buying a house, and it’s prudent that you consult a home inspector before signing the dotted line. Why ruin one of the best housing years in a decade by not doing your homework? Don’t squander that enthusiasm; contact Cornerstone Home Inspections today. But be warned; enthusiasm can also affect us in negative ways.
Since it’s summer, one of the more important parts of a home inspection is an energy audit. In this Huffington Post article, Nathaniel Sillin writes, “You can do it yourself or pay for the services of a certified professional, but a basement-to-rooftop energy audit makes sense in the summer months when the absence of snow and cold make it easier to inspect potential interior and exterior energy leaks.”
If you think about it, this makes sense, enthusiasm and energy go hand-in-hand. When we’re the most enthusiastic, we tend to use the most energy. This will damage our bills in the long run. Take, for example, the fact that the average American spends around 76 percent of their energy dollars on heating rooms, water, lighting, cooling, refrigeration, and more. That is a large chunk of your bills; what an energy audit does is fine tune that bill amount, optimizes it let’s say. An energy audit could prove to be quite beneficial; it’ll help temper your housing enthusiasm so that you don’t overlook anything that’ll bite you in the end. Think of home inspection as a management of your enthusiasm. Cornerstone Home Inspections is more than happy to manage yours!