Cornerstone Home Inspections of New Jersey recommends sellers have a home inspection done before selling their home. A complete home inspection covers every area of your home so that you get a clear and accurate picture of the property– in writing–which can then be used to help sell the home.
An inspection looks for any problems or damages that aren’t readily apparent– and those can be fixed before selling the home. It’s better for a seller to find out what really needs fixing and get it fixed before putting the home on the market than to have a potential buyer find the problem and then wonder why it wasn’t fixed prior to their interest in the property. Furthermore, by disclosing issues upfront, a seller protects themselves against claims the buyer might make later– claims which can result in messy, tiresome lawsuits.
When selling a home, a lot of trust is involved. By having your home inspected before selling it, you show potential buyers that your home is essentially an “open book” without secrets or unexpected surprises that could/would aggravate them down-the-line. Buyers want to be able to trust sellers, and therefore a “pre-inspection” acts as a goodwill gesture on the seller’s part, helping give a buyer peace-of-mind.
The written results of an inspection can be used to highlight some of the home’s assets. Sellers can use the inspection report to show off what’s particularly valuable about the home, with the buyer knowing a third-party verified the information, and that it’s true and accurate.
Call Cornerstone Home Inspections today at 800-648-6187 or email cornerstonespec@aol.com to ask about New Jersey home inspection services.